Hamilton offers amendment to expand pre-k
Today, Feb. 19, State Rep. Carey Hamilton (D- Indianapolis) offered an amendment to the state budget that would expand eligibility for the On My Way Pre-K program.
“In the last budget, the Republican supermajority carved out over $1 billion to expand the school voucher program to upper-income households," Hamilton said. "We are back two years later to craft the state budget with a proposal on the table to make the school choice voucher program universal (subsidizing private school tuition for even the wealthiest households), but we have done nothing to move the needle on pre-K.
“Indiana remains one of only six states that lacks a state-funded pre-K program. Now, the wealthiest families in Indiana will have access to private school on the state dime, while 85% of our 4-year-olds still lack access to pre-K. Currently, to qualify for the state’s On My Way Pre-K program, a family of four must earn less than 127% of the federal poverty limit (FPL), or $38,100 per year. This amendment would increase eligibility to 400% of the FPL, or $128,600 for a family of four.
"My colleagues say they care about improving literacy and math skills for Hoosier students and this amendment helps achieve those goals. A Purdue University study found children in Indiana's On My Way Pre-K voucher program score higher in literacy skills, school readiness and language than children from similar economic backgrounds who attended lower-quality pre-K programs. It's time to make this program available to more Hoosier children.
“Expanding pre-K will not only improve academic performance but also boost our economy. According to research from Indiana University, investment in early care and learning provides a $4 return for every $1 spent. Parents forced to cut back hours or leave the workforce altogether because they can’t afford child care will be able to return to work earlier if they have access to pre-K. This small investment is a win-win for Indiana families and our economy. It’s past time to join the majority of states and get this done.”