Andrade supports public safety funding during state budget process
Over the last several weeks, State Rep. Mike Andrade (D-Munster) has been an outspoken advocate for public safety in Indiana’s state budgeting process.
Today, Feb. 19, the House adopted an amendment to the state budget that will fund the Stop the Bleed Program, a life-saving initiative that Andrade led in 2023.
Additionally, Andrade authored an amendment to establish a new Gun Safety Grant Program, which would have appropriated $100,000 to the Indiana Prosecuting Attorney Council, aimed at increasing access to gun safety locks. Unfortunately, this amendment was voted down by House Republicans.
Andrade issued the following statement regarding the amendments:
"In 2023, I was proud to author legislation that provided first responders with access to bleeding control kits. As a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, I am grateful for bipartisan support in appropriating $120,000 to this life-saving program that was amended on HB 1001, the state budget bill.
“I am grateful to my colleagues who supported the Stop the Bleed Program. I will continue to champion our incredible first responders with necessary life-saving resources. Public safety initiatives like this are essential to protecting Hoosier lives.
"However, I am deeply disappointed that the House could not unite behind the Gun Safety Grant Program. Each year in Indiana, an average of 124 children and teens are killed by gun violence. In just the past 18 months, our Lake County Prosecutor’s data revealed seven children in Lake County alone have died in preventable accidents involving unsecured firearms. These deaths are not just statistics—they are real tragedies. This is unacceptable. There are solutions to this issue, but we cannot keep ignoring it.
“Every child’s death is avoidable with proper action. I am committed to finding solutions that will prevent these heartbreaking accidents and ensure the safety of our children. Until we take meaningful action, more families will face unimaginable grief. Gun violence is a preventable tragedy, and it’s time we take responsibility for the lives at stake. How many more children must die before we act?”