Bartlett human trafficking bill passes out of committee
House Bill 1416, authored by State Rep. John Bartlett (D-Indianapolis), passed out of the House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code today, Jan. 5. The bill requires gas stations to display human trafficking awareness posters.
Bartlett issued the following statement regarding his legislation:
"Indiana is the Crossroads of America, meaning our gas stations serve individuals from all over the country. That said, it's imperative that our gas station attendants know the warning signs that someone is being trafficked and what to do to get that person help.
"In 2022, U.S. law enforcement agencies reported around 2,950 human trafficking incidents, with about two-thirds of these cases not resulting in an arrest. Whether it's forced labor or sexual violence or any other form of trafficking, no human being deserves to live this way. We have an obligation to do all we can to prevent human trafficking and to help those currently suffering because of it. Requiring gas stations to have awareness posters up for public view will help staff and customers know the warning signs. We all have a role to play in keeping one another safe, and this bill is a great way to help everyone do that.
"I'd like to thank Jess Kern, CEO and founder of the Raindrops Rising Foundation, and Beth White, President and CEO of the Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking for their support and coming out to testify today.
"I look forward to having further discussions on the House floor."