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Op-ed: A targeted attack on public schools: HB 1001, SB 1 and SB 518
This session, Republicans filed three bills that form a targeted, devastating attack on our public schools: House Bill 1001, Senate Bill 1, and SB 518. Together, these bills drain public schools of their financial resources.
This session, Republicans filed three bills that form a targeted, devastating attack on our public schools: House Bill 1001, Senate Bill 1, and SB 518. Together, these bills drain public schools of their financial resources.
Let’s start with HB 1001, the Republicans’ proposed budget that inadequately funds public schools. The House majority has touted a “2% funding increase” by providing $18.9 billion for K-12 education, but this is a bait and switch. Some public schools will receive a cut while others receive less than a 2% increase. HB 1001 continues to siphon taxpayer dollars to charters and private schools with $200 million for vouchers for the wealthiest 3% of Hoosier families. Indiana’s universal voucher program will cost nearly $1.3 billion over the next two years. For 2026 and 2027, Republicans also provide $744 million for virtual and brick-and-mortar charter schools, plus access to an additional $281 million in grants.
20 years of chronic underfunding from the Indiana GOP has left public schools with limited options to keep teachers in the classroom, the lights on and the buses running. Paired with the budget, SB 1 and SB 518 will only rub salt in their wounds.
Centered on their campaign promises, SB 1 is a Republican priority bill to lower property taxes. It’s a moving target that's failed to provide relief to homeowners in each of its versions. House Republicans are considering swapping the current language for HB 1402, which still fails to achieve their promise. Homeowners’ property tax bills would go up in 2027 and 2028, and schools would lose close to $518 million over three years. Each proposal has failed to address a key component of Indiana’s dilemma: Years of underfunding public education has shifted the burden to our homeowners. Instead of state dollars bolstering their local schools, homeowners' property taxes have risen to keep them afloat. Local property tax referenda are the only way some schools are covering costs.
Public schools will be inadequately funded and will lose property tax revenue, but the majority decided that’s not enough. If passed, SB 518 would require public schools to share property tax revenue with charters. Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) estimated that under SB 518, they would be forced to close at least 20 schools and let go of hundreds of staff. SB 518 would cost our schools a total of $124.4 million over three years. Our public schools do well, and I’m a proud alumnus of IPS. The majority has continued to push charters, ignoring their problems. In late February, another charter school CEO admitted to embezzling over $900,000. Every stream of revenue our public schools receive is undercut by the majority.
In his SB 1 testimony, Terry Spradlin, the Executive Director of the Indiana School Boards Association (ISBA), said school districts are “being squeezed on all sides.” Let’s ease the pressure on our school districts rather than squeezing them until they burst. House Democrats are committed to supporting the more than 90% of students who attend traditional public schools. We believe in public education, and we’re committed to real property tax relief that doesn’t harm our students. I ask my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to support public education and stop the targeted attacks on IPS and our state’s other public school corporations.
Andrade amendment to SB 464 strengthens consumer protections and saves taxpayer dollars
Today, March 18, State Rep. Mike Andrade (D-Munster) successfully amended Senate Bill (SB) 464, which would enhance consumer protections for state and local law enforcement agencies in Indiana.
Today, March 18, State Rep. Mike Andrade (D-Munster) successfully amended Senate Bill (SB) 464, which would enhance consumer protections for state and local law enforcement agencies in Indiana.
Andrade’s amendment updates the Deceptive Consumer Practices Act to include transactions between law enforcement agencies and suppliers. It also designates the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division to enforce remedies when issues arise, holding suppliers accountable and protecting public safety resources.
Andrade released the following statement on the amendment:
“This amendment is a crucial step in ensuring that taxpayers' dollars are spent wisely and that consumers, including law enforcement agencies, are protected from deceptive business practices. We must hold suppliers to the highest standard. As a co-sponsor, I’m proud to see SB 464 advance with bipartisan support and will continue to work to strengthen consumer protections in our state.”
SB 464 has passed out of committee and will now be considered by the full House of Representatives.
Boy’s HB 1380 passes unanimously out of Senate Committee
Today, March 18, State Rep. Pat Boy’s (D-Michigan City) House Bill 1380 passed unanimously out of the Senate Homeland Security and Transportation Committee. The bill would exempt motor driven cycles and lightweight electric vehicles from the electric vehicle supplement fee.
Today, March 18, State Rep. Pat Boy’s (D-Michigan City) House Bill 1380 passed unanimously out of the Senate Homeland Security and Transportation Committee. The bill would exempt motor driven cycles and lightweight electric vehicles from the electric vehicle supplement fee.
Boy released the following statement on the passage of the bill through the committee:
“I am deeply grateful to see this bill garner bipartisan support in the effort to build a more sustainable and eco-friendlier Indiana. This collaborative approach is a testament to our shared commitment to the future of our state. As the bill progresses, I am optimistic that it will continue to gain momentum and that its positive impact will be felt across our communities, ultimately improving the quality of life for Hoosiers and preserving our natural resources for generations to come."
Harris public safety legislation heads to governor’s desk
House Bill 1095, authored by State Rep. Earl Harris Jr. (D-East Chicago), passed through the Indiana State Senate unanimously today. The bill extends the Indiana Crime Guns Task Force into Lake County to help prevent gun violence in The Region.
House Bill 1095, authored by State Rep. Earl Harris Jr. (D-East Chicago), passed through the Indiana State Senate unanimously today. The bill extends the Indiana Crime Guns Task Force into Lake County to help prevent gun violence in The Region.
The task force was created during the 2021 legislative session and seized more than 270 illegal firearms and over 75,000 grams of illegal narcotics in 2024 alone.
Harris issued the following statement after the vote:
"While homicides in Lake County have dropped in recent years, it's still imperative that we find ways to mitigate gun violence and enhance public safety in our community. This bill will help us get illegal guns and dangerous narcotics off our streets and make Lake County a safer place to live and raise a family.
"I'd like to thank my sponsors in the Senate for their work to get this across the finish line, and I now look forward to working with Gov. Braun to get this legislation signed into law."
Burton: ‘SB 178 creates a pathway of possibility’
Today, March 17, Senate Bill (SB) 178 passed the House without amendments and is now advancing toward a final vote in the House. SB 178 would recognize natural gas and propane as clean energy sources in Indiana.
Today, March 17, Senate Bill (SB) 178 passed the House without amendments and is now advancing toward a final vote in the House. SB 178 would recognize natural gas and propane as clean energy sources in Indiana.
State Rep. Alex Burton (D-Evansville) released the following statement on the bill’s passage:
“By recognizing natural gas and propane as clean energy sources, we are opening a path of possibility that must be pursued. In Evansville and much of Southwest Indiana, residents have faced the highest utility bills in the nation for the past 16 years. With these new definitions in place, I will advocate for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to consider the Evansville area as a recipient of funding, particularly from the $20 billion in project funding that was recently canceled.
“Reducing utility costs for Hoosiers is a top priority, and this legislation could provide the framework needed for Southwest Indiana to finally see some relief. It's time to move beyond discussion and take steps—like this one—to offer real utility bill relief to our communities.”
DeLaney comments on Beckwith protesting 20 years of Republican rule
Today, March 17, Lt. Gov. Micah Beckwith held a Property Tax Rally at the Statehouse to protest the current state of property taxes.
Today, March 17, Lt. Gov. Micah Beckwith held a Property Tax Rally at the Statehouse to protest the current state of property taxes.
State Rep. Ed DeLaney (D-Indianapolis) issued the following statement congratulating the lieutenant governor on taking a stand against 20 years of Republican property tax policy:
“It is refreshing to see our lieutenant governor stand up in protest against two decades of Republican property tax policy. Apparently, the current administration has woken up and decided to address a problem created by their own party.
“I am glad that Gov. Braun has changed his mind from his time on the House Ways and Means Committee. While there, he took no action to address rising property taxes. House Democrats have been warning that this crisis was brewing for years. But as the saying goes, better late than never.
“Today’s event was advertised as a rally to persuade the legislature to return to Gov. Braun’s original property tax proposal. If my colleagues across the aisle are going to insist on such public infighting, I am more than happy to hold their coats. What a way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
“Our complex property tax system has finally become a topic of focus for both parties. What the Republicans have come up with to solve the problem they created manages to provide very little real relief for homeowners while severely damaging local government.
“I agree with our lieutenant governor that Hoosiers need their government to come together to alleviate the financial strain of increasing property taxes. Let's go back to the drawing board and find a solution that will do that.
“At the rally, I saw many signs reading ‘property tax is theft.’ If so, who has been the thief for the last 20 years?”
Hamilton offers amendment to restore access to reproductive health care
Today, State Rep. Carey Hamilton (D-Indianapolis) offered an amendment to Senate Joint Resolution 21 that would codify the protections of Roe v. Wade in the United States Constitution. The amendment failed by a vote of 26-56.
Today, State Rep. Carey Hamilton (D-Indianapolis) offered an amendment to Senate Joint Resolution 21 that would codify the protections of Roe v. Wade in the United States Constitution. The amendment failed by a vote of 26-56.
Hamilton released the following statement upon the defeat of the amendment:
“Today, I offered an amendment to restore comprehensive reproductive health care for women and girls. Two and a half years after Indiana passed a near-total abortion ban, we now know that this is hurting women, families and our state. We also know that 64% of Hoosiers support access to abortion. I offered this amendment on behalf of the majority of the state that supports this measure, and for all of the Hoosiers who fear for their own health or that of their daughters, granddaughters or any woman in their life.
“I have been in contact with a mother from Hamilton County who recently faced the consequences of Indiana’s abortion ban. When she was told that her baby had a fatal fetal anomaly and would die minutes after being brought into the world, she, her husband, and her three sons were devastated. While having to come to terms with the fact that she would have to end a pregnancy that she desperately wanted, she had to fill out 13 pages of legal paperwork required by the state.
“To have this medically necessary procedure and allow her baby peace, she had to provide her name, birthday, social security number, age, gender, race, address, level of education, pregnancy history, marital status, religion, cause of death, and occupation. Her husband only had to provide his name. She will be on a registry for the rest of her life. She had to sign a paper stating if this was found ‘unnecessary’ she would be charged with a felony. Not her husband.
“This ban is not family friendly. It is hurting Hoosiers. It is hurting our economy. It is hurting the future of our state. I will continue to do everything in my power to restore access to life-saving health care and privacy to Hoosier women and girls.”
House Democrats in Election Committee stand against disenfranchisement of college students, partisan school board races
Today, March 12, the House Committee on Elections and Apportionment heard two controversial bills. Senate Bill 10 eliminates the ability of college students to use their official student ID to register to vote in Indiana. Senate Bill 287 would require school board candidates to declare their political party as a Democrat or Republican to be on the ballot.
Today, March 12, the House Committee on Elections and Apportionment heard two controversial bills. Senate Bill 10 eliminates the ability of college students to use their official student ID to register to vote in Indiana. Senate Bill 287 would require school board candidates to declare their political party as a Democrat or Republican to be on the ballot.
Ranking Minority Member Rep. Carolyn Jackson (D-Hammond), Rep. Pat Boy (D-Michigan City), Rep. Sue Errington (D-Muncie) and Rep. Cherrish Pryor (D-Indianapolis), who serve on the House Election Committee, released the following statement on hearing testimony on Senate Bill 10:
“Today, people from across the state came to testify against Senate Bill 10 and the disenfranchisement of college students. Our institutions are trusted to determine if a student is an Indiana resident when they decide to charge them in-state or out-of-state tuition. Why are we suddenly deeming them an unreliable source for verifying residence?
“Indiana is one of the worst states when it comes to voter turnout. On both sides of the aisle, we agree that is it important to get our young people engaged in our democracy. Adding an additional barrier will inherently discourage college students from participating in elections that will directly impact them.”
Jackson, Boy, Errington and Pryor released the following statement on the passage of Senate Bill 287 out of committee by a vote of 8 to 5:
“This bill takes the focus of school boards off of educating our students and onto politics. The fundamental purpose of a school board is to keep the schools running smoothly, oversee transportation, building maintenance and teacher retention. Those issues are not political. Forcing these positions to be affiliated with a party will only sow discourse and slow down the process of decision-making.
“We want qualified, dedicated candidates to step up and run because they are called to serve the community. Making school board elections partisan would deter anyone working for the federal government or an agency that receives federal funding from running to avoid violating the Hatch Act.
“There are many actions we can take to improve our schools. Inserting politics into school board elections is not one of them. Let’s focus on the real issues for our kids and bolster teacher retention, academic outcomes, and graduation rates."
Bauer: ‘Environmental policy should be driven by science, not political pandering’
Today, Mar. 12, Gov. Mike Braun signed Executive Orders 25-37 and 25-38 on environmental policy in Indiana.
State Rep. Maureen Bauer (D-South Bend) released the following statement on the EO(s):
“As the former state lead of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators (NCEL) and an advocate for environmental protections that safeguard the health of the public we serve, I express grave concern with Gov. Braun's executive orders.
Today, Mar. 12, Gov. Mike Braun signed Executive Orders 25-37 and 25-38 on environmental policy in Indiana.
State Rep. Maureen Bauer (D-South Bend) released the following statement on the EO(s):
“As the former state lead of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators (NCEL) and an advocate for environmental protections that safeguard the health of the public we serve, I express grave concern with Gov. Braun's executive orders. These directives aim to limit and undermine the ability of the Indiana General Assembly to enact laws and regulations that best serve our state and its residents.
“Deferring Indiana's clean water and air regulations to Washington D.C. contradicts the principles once championed by the state's Republican leadership. Before Gov. Braun became a D.C. politician, he served in the state legislature, where he understood that we - not Washington, D.C. - know what is best for our communities.
“I would also remind Governor Braun that Indiana already has a 'no more stringent than' law, making EO 25-37 redundant. Meanwhile, HB 1037, which prevents local governments from enacting stronger stormwater management policies, is currently moving through the Indiana General Assembly, further limiting local rule. The opposition to 'environmental justice' is, in reality, resistance to righting the wrongs that have persisted due to weak environmental regulation – such as those that plagued LaSalle Park/Beck's Lake on the westside of South Bend. Known simply as 'The Lake,' this site in a predominantly Black neighborhood endured years of hazardous industrial dumping from the 1930s to the 1950s. Clean-up at this site did not begin until 2022, led by the City of South Bend and Honeywell International Inc., with critical support from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a Superfund site.
“Transforming this former dumping ground – where children once swam and played – into a safe community space should not be mischaracterized as part of conservatives' fear of 'environmental justice.’ Ensuring that children have safe places to play, free from lead-contaminated soil, is the right thing to do and should not be a topic of political debate.
“We commend the federal government’s continued investment in South Bend’s Superfund sites. These efforts demonstrate a commitment to addressing long-standing environmental hazards that have disproportionately impacted vulnerable communities. Robust environmental regulations and federal funding are essential to remediating toxic waste sites and protecting public health. Weakening state regulations threatens to derail these vital initiatives, putting Hoosier families at even greater risk. Instead of rolling back protections, Indiana should work alongside federal agencies to expand cleanup efforts and ensure that all communities have access to clean air and water.
“Environmental policy should be driven by science, not political agendas or fear of doing what is right. Gov. Braun's actions today align with the Trump administration's repeated efforts to slash funding and cut jobs at the EPA and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Weakened federal protections disproportionately endanger communities already burdened by pollution while also jeopardizing key industries, such as agriculture and tourism, sectors that are vital to Indiana's economy and workforce. Sustainable economic growth relies on responsible environmental stewardship, not reckless deregulation.
“I am proud to stand on the right side of history by supporting policies that prioritize the health and well-being of my community. Instead of enabling unchecked pollution and environmental deregulation, we must champion clean air, safe drinking water, and resilient infrastructure. Environmental policies should be strengthened – not gutted – if we are to protect Indiana’s future generations. Indiana House Democrats are ready to work with Gov. Braun on pragmatic solutions that enhance efficiency without compromising the health of our residents or the integrity of our natural resources.”
Shackleford’s HB 1065 passes unanimously out of Senate Committee
Today, Mar. 12, State Rep. Robin Shackleford’s (D-Indianapolis) House Bill 1065 passed unanimously out the Senate Health and Provider Services Committee. The bill proposes the creation of the Cancer Clinical Trial Participation Program, allowing independent third parties, such as patient groups, corporations, or government entities, to cover ancillary costs for patients taking part in clinical trials in Indiana.
Today, Mar. 12, State Rep. Robin Shackleford’s (D-Indianapolis) House Bill 1065 passed unanimously out the Senate Health and Provider Services Committee. The bill proposes the creation of the Cancer Clinical Trial Participation Program, allowing independent third parties, such as patient groups, corporations, or government entities, to cover ancillary costs for patients taking part in clinical trials in Indiana.
Shackleford released the following statement on the bill’s passage:
"My family has experienced firsthand the devastating impact of cancer. My father, mother, and oldest brother all passed away from the disease in their early 50s. Among them, my mom fought the hardest, battling cancer for over five years and participating in a range of experimental treatments. Throughout this time, we repeatedly heard the urgent need for greater diversity in clinical trial participation, as well as the immense financial burdens that accompany it.
“Today, with the passage of HB 1065 out of Senate Committee and its advancement to the Senate floor, we are one step closer to securing tangible relief for the individuals and families navigating the difficult and costly process of participating in life-saving cancer clinical trials.
“For those fighting cancer, their focus should be entirely on their treatment and recovery - not the overwhelming financial strain that often accompanies the decision to join a clinical trial. By alleviating these financial burdens, this bill will allow participants to focus on what truly matters, their health and well-being, free from the added stress of unexpected costs.
“I am optimistic that, with the continued bipartisan support, we will pass this crucial legislation and make a lasting difference for those who need it most. Having lived through this experience, I can say without a doubt that the relief this bill offers is not just necessary - it’s vital."
Errington’s HB1297 passes unanimously out of Senate Committee
Today, March 11, State Rep. Sue Errington’s (D-Muncie) House Bill 1297 passed unanimously out of the Senate Homeland Security and Transportation Committee. The bill creates a voluntary Yellow Dot Motor Vehicle Medical Information Program, aimed at providing first responders with crucial medical information during automobile accidents. The program will include a yellow decal for the vehicle’s rear window and an envelope with medical details to be kept in the glove compartment.
Today, March 11, State Rep. Sue Errington’s (D-Muncie) House Bill 1297 passed unanimously out of the Senate Homeland Security and Transportation Committee. The bill creates a voluntary Yellow Dot Motor Vehicle Medical Information Program, aimed at providing first responders with crucial medical information during automobile accidents. The program will include a yellow decal for the vehicle’s rear window and an envelope with medical details to be kept in the glove compartment.
Errington issued the following statement following the bill’s passage:
“The Yellow Dot Program is a life-saving initiative that ensures first responders can access vital medical information quickly, particularly when accident victims are unable to provide it themselves. This program is already in effect in 22 other states, providing added benefits for Hoosiers traveling out of state.
“I am deeply grateful for the unwavering support of Lt. Governor Beckwith, who has been a strong advocate for this bill and played a key role in its progression by offering his testimony before the committee.
“I also want to thank a Hoosier resident, Debby Holcombe, who came to testify at the Statehouse in support of the bill. Debby’s son, who has medically complex conditions, would benefit greatly from the Yellow Dot Program.
“And to our dedicated first responders who continue to serve as heroes in our communities, thank you for your service and sacrifice. While this program is primarily aimed at benefiting older residents, it is designed for individuals of all ages—both healthy and those with medical conditions.
“As HB 1297 moves forward to the Senate floor, I remain hopeful for continued bipartisan support to improve the lives of Hoosiers and better support the critical work of our first responders.”
Andrade celebrates INDOT Community Crossings Matching Grants to improve roads and bridges in District 12
Last week, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) announced the recipients of the Spring 2025 Community Crossings Matching Grant Program. More than $200 million was awarded through the program and will go towards improving roads and bridges throughout the state.
Last week, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) announced the recipients of the Spring 2025 Community Crossings Matching Grant Program. More than $200 million was awarded through the program and will go towards improving roads and bridges throughout the state.
Several communities in House District 12 represented by State Rep. Mike Andrade (D-Munster) received grants for Spring 2025.
The matching grant winners and amounts include:
Munster - $1,500,000.00
Highland - $753,271.70
Griffith - $534,863.50
Schererville - $1,172,053.49
Andrade released the following statement celebrating the funding:
“I’m thrilled to share that House District 12 will receive approximately $4 million in state funding this year through the Community Crossings Matching Grant. Since day one in the Statehouse, I’ve been a strong advocate for prioritizing infrastructure improvements and holding our governments accountable for delivering essential services. This funding is a crucial step in maintaining the safety and reliability of our roads and bridges, helping to keep our communities secure and well-connected.”