Pryor amendment to expand voting rights struck down by House Republicans

Today, Feb. 11, State Rep. Cherrish Pryor (D-Indianapolis) offered an amendment to allow no excuse absentee vote by mail. This amendment would bring Indiana in line with 28 other states and make voting more accessible for Hoosiers who may not be able to make it to the polls. The amendment was struck down on procedural grounds.

“In a time where voter apathy is growing, this body needs to be taking every action possible to make it easier for Hoosiers to engage in our government and make their voice heard.

“In 2024, only 61% of registered voters cast their ballots, down 6% from the 2020 election. Indiana has one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the nation. In order for government to truly serve the people, we need to ensure that all Hoosiers have access to vote in the way that meets their unique situation. 

“We continue to hear from Hoosiers that this body is not reacting to the needs of everyday working Hoosiers. Making it easier for Hoosiers to vote is the most basic and vital step we can take to end voter apathy and ensure responsiveness to the people that elect us to serve.”


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