Porter votes no on House Republican state budget

Today, Feb. 20, the House passed the state budget with a vote of 66 to 27. State Rep. Gregory W. Porter (D-Indianapolis), the ranking minority member of the House Ways and Means Committee, voted no on House Bill 1001. 

Porter released the following statement on his no-vote: 

“I cannot in good conscience support this budget proposal from the majority party. When we drill down to the foundation of the bill, it’s not solid by any means. It’s not sound because so many cornerstones, essential programs for Hoosiers, are absent or underfunded. 

“This proposal will not move our state forward, in fact, it may pull us backward. The funding for K-12 will not support our schools. Medicaid is hanging in the balance from potential federal cuts. Local public health programs that support our mothers and daughters will receive less funding. 

“We need a budget that provides the greatest good for the greatest number. This is not a budget for the greatest good of the people.” 



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