Porter introduces ‘A Budget for the People’
Today, Feb. 18, State Rep. Gregory W. Porter (D-Indianapolis), presented the Indiana House Democratic Caucus’ budget proposal in his master amendment to House Bill 1001. The caucus’ goal is to reinstate critical programs cut by the Republican supermajority while prioritizing the desires of Hoosiers–including fully funding K-12 public education, protecting Medicaid and providing for our veterans.
Porter pointed to several highlights of the House Democratic budget proposal that Hoosiers spoke out about during the budget process, including:
An additional $300 million for the Medicaid program to protect Hoosiers from potential federal cuts.
Eliminating the waitlists for the PathWays for Aging Waiver and the Health and Wellness Waiver to ensure health care coverage for roughly 11,000 Hoosiers.
Providing at least a true 2% increase to ALL schools.
Increasing the allocation for the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and other veterans service organizations.
Increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit from 10% to 12% and increasing the Renter’s Deduction from $3,000 to $4,000.
Making the On My Way Pre-K program universal.
He also pointed out worrisome inclusions in the Republican budget, including:
Traditional public schools would only get a 1.3% increase since the funding would be shared with the voucher program and charter schools. Many school districts would receive cuts.
Zero funding for the College Success Program (CSP), which benefits Indiana’s minority and low-income college students.
A cut of $50 million in the Health First Indiana Program, which was used by Indiana’s counties to improve their local health programs.
Zero funding to continue Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
Increasing the amount virtual charter schools receive from 85% to 100%, putting Hoosiers’ hard-earned dollars at risk. Two virtual charters were sued by the state to recoup $154 million, and the trial is still ongoing.
“You spoke. We listened. We acted,” Porter said. “The House Democrat state budget has one purpose in mind: to help our people. It’s the inherent purpose of this body to help Hoosiers and improve their quality of life. That purpose extends to how we spend our money. It’s taxpayer’s money and it should be spent on programs they want. The state is simply the holder of the purse strings.
“For the past couple of years, our government has operated like a corporation. We’re investing in massive development projects, kicking people off their health care plans to cut costs and cutting our agencies by 5% while those in charge get a 150% raise. We need to prioritize K-12 public education, Medicaid and other programs that improve quality of life. Let’s create a state budget for the people that truly benefits them.”