Dant Chesser files 2025 bills focused on government ethics and affordability

With 2025 being her first legislative session, State Rep. Wendy Dant Chesser (D-Jeffersonville) has hit the ground running. Dant Chesser has filed eight pieces of legislation, three of which focus on increasing fiscal responsibility in local offices.

House Bill (HB) 1429 would require local elected officials to take an ethics training course from the State Board of Accounts (SBOA) every two years. HB 1431 would change the reporting requirements for campaign finance reports for those running for local offices.  An additional bill, HB 1227 would increase the reporting requirements for the use of commissary funds by a local sheriff’s office. 

“I’m thankful for the opportunity to be at the Statehouse and to author legislation for our community,” Dant Chesser said. “Southern Indiana is my home and there are some issues we can improve upon for our fellow Hoosiers. We can do more to protect people's tax dollars and make sure they’re used appropriately. This past year is evidence that we need better systems in place to stop fraud and theft. Our community temporarily lost ambulatory and fire services due to fraud which, in good conscience, we cannot let happen again. To better protect our community, I authored three bills to increase fiscal responsibility and encourage ethical leadership.”  

Other bills authored by Dant Chesser focus on affordability and social programs. HB 1430 would create The Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership program to help families afford quality child care. HB 1226, similar to an existing bill in Kentucky, Oklahoma and several states, would protect Hoosiers over 65 from higher rates and denied claims for their Medicare supplement insurance. 

“There’s more we can do for people who are struggling to pay their bills,” Dant Chesser said. “Property taxes, utilities, rent and other bills are skyrocketing, severely affecting our senior citizens and those on fixed incomes. The cost of child care is unbelievably high with parents typically spending around $11,000 a year on one child. This is a difficult time when everyone is experiencing financial pressure. The state legislature should do everything in its power to give people some much-needed breathing room.” 

A full list of Dant Chesser’s legislation is below:

  1. HB 1225: Pension Garnishment for Restitution

  2. HB 1226: Medicare Supplement Insurance 

  3. HB 1227: Jail Commissary Fund Reporting 

  4. HB 1228: Hunting Licenses for Disabled Veterans 

  5. HB 1429: Ethics Training for Local Officials

  6. HB 1430: Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program

  7. HB 1431: Campaign Finance Reports

  8. HB 1560: Straight Ticket Voting 

“My goal for this year is to work across party lines and tackle the problems facing Hoosiers,” Dant Chesser said. “As proposed, my legislation is a step in the right direction, and I look forward to working hard for my community. I encourage residents of House District 71 to reach out to my legislative office with their thoughts and concerns. As your state representative, I am your voice in Indianapolis.” 

The community can contact the office of State Rep. Wendy Dant Chesser by email at h71@iga.in.gov or by phone at 1-800-382-9848. Members of the community can also subscribe to her newsletter at repwendydantchesser.substack.com


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