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Pryor celebrates passage of Senate bill addressing impact of gentrification out of committee

IBLC, News & Media, Media Releases

Senate Bill 46 passed through the House Ways and Means Committee today, which gives local officials the option to create Neighborhood Enhancement Districts (NED), which will allow for a circuit breaker tax credit on Homesteads. This credit would provide relief for individuals and families whose assessed value drastically increased.

State Rep. Cherrish Pryor (D-Indianapolis), a sponsor on the bill and member of the House Ways and Means Committee, offered the following statement regarding the passage of the bill through committee:

“I have been the champion on this issue since 2016, and I'm glad to finally see support for my idea. Not only would the implementation of a NED provide individual homeowners and families relief from inflated property taxes, it will help us to combat gentrification throughout the state. Too often, African Americans, people of color and low-income families are forced out of their homes and neighborhoods due to unchecked hikes in property taxes. This bill will change that.”

“Unfortunately, however, this legislation will not help the folks who receive their property taxes in the mail next week. I wish that Indiana Republicans would have heeded my calls sooner because our efforts now may be too late for some families who are living paycheck to paycheck.  Sadly, homeowners will, quite literally, pay the price. However, I'm looking forward to seeing the impact this legislation has on Hoosiers when local governments begin to establish NEDs.”

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