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Porter responds to KIPP Indy killing, juvenile gun violence

IBLC, Media Releases

On Friday, November 3, a 15-year-old boy was shot and killed in the parking lot of KIPP Indy Legacy High School. Another 15-year-old was later arrested in connection with the shooting.

State Rep. Gregory W. Porter (D-Indianapolis) issued the following statement in regard to the homicide:

“My prayers go out to the family of the young victim at KIPP Indy and the 16-year-old girl who was shot and killed days ago at a Halloween party.  Once again, our community is faced with the tragedy of senseless gun violence. Too many people – especially young people – are losing their lives throughout our city. Gun violence among youth in Indianapolis is a double-edged sword: young people are dying, and too often, other young people are the ones pulling the trigger. If we truly want to enhance public safety, we must specifically address gun violence as it pertains to teenagers and young adults.

“Passing common sense gun reform laws is just one step in this solution. We also need to address mental health concerns among our young people and have conversations about conflict resolution. Too often, teenagers lose their lives over social media disputes and schoolyard arguments. Monitoring our children's internet use and having conversations with them about interpersonal issues they may be having is paramount. This year alone, more than 60 children in Indianapolis have survived gunshot wounds, and 21 children have been killed. Enough is enough. Our children deserve better.

“It takes a village to raise a child, and likewise, it takes a village to keep children safe. It's high time we all step up and work toward a solution to our gun violence problem.”

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