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GiaQuinta comments on Ohio’s vote in favor of repreductive freedom

News & Media, Media Releases

Tuesday, Nov. 7th, Ohio voters voted in favor of Issue 1, an amendment to the state constitution establishing an “individual right to one's own reproductive medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion.” As a result, Ohioans will soon be granted freedoms that their state legislature and governor had previously taken from them.

House Democratic Leader Phil GiaQuinta (D-Fort Wayne) released the following statement in response to Ohioans' resounding support for reproductive freedom and choice:

“Midwesterners don't like the government telling them what they can and can't do, plain and simple. This includes reproductive freedom. Ohio and Indiana both lean conservative, yet when given a choice, Ohioans voted for the right to choose. Currently, the Indiana Constitution does not grant Hoosiers the right to citizen-led ballot initiatives. To truly represent Hoosiers and grant them a voice, Indiana lawmakers must enshrine the right to be heard at the ballot box in our constitution.”

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