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Moseley votes to send public retirees, including teachers a 13th check this year

News & Media, Media Releases

Today, Jan. 22,  State Rep. Chuck Moseley (D-Portage) voted to send public retirees a 13th check. After today’s vote, House Bill 1004 has passed the House of Representatives and is heading to the Senate for consideration. 

Rep. Moseley released the following statement celebrating the bill’s passage from the House: 

“I will always support legislation that benefits our public retirees and teachers. Our retirees have dedicated their lives to hard work and have benefitted the state through their labor. Last year, the state legislature failed to keep their promise for the first time in decades and provide our retirees with a 13th check. 

“Today, my fellow representatives and I voted to reaffirm this promise for our retirees. Pension benefits for our state employees is not a luxury expenditure, it’s an investment in their financial security and well-being. Many of our retirees depend on a 13th check to keep up with rising costs, and this check goes towards essential food and medicine. I’m pleased that we’ve acted in the best interest of our public retirees today.” 

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