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Garcia Wilburn comments on IndyStar DCS investigation

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State Representative Victoria Garcia Wilburn (D-Fishers) released the following statement on a recent IndyStar investigation:

“As lawmakers and the public reel from the horrifying revelations of an IndyStar investigation showing that DCS contractors facing litigation have heavily lobbied for legislation this session that would grant them immunity from such litigation, it is not lost on me that it is Child Abuse Prevention Month. It is one of our highest callings as lawmakers to protect the children of our state. National and local reports continue to reveal a sobering truth that we must reckon with: Child abuse in residential and institutional settings is a pervasive, enduring problem throughout our country, and we have only started to realize the full extent of it.

“Although daycare and child care facilities are obviously different from residential treatment centers, the genesis of this is the same: We are trusting adults with our children. Just yesterday, my community of Fishers learned of a daycare worker being charged with 19 counts of felony battery charges against children in the daycare facility. Whether it's parents sending their children to a daycare center or to residential communities with licensed professionals, they should be able to trust that their child will not be harmed while in the care of others.

“Once again, we realize that many of these children are in residential care facilities because of mental health issues. In future sessions, I look forward to ensuring that the most vulnerable kids – those in these settings – are receiving full Medicaid coverage.”

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