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Fleming starts sponsorship for construction club, highlights the importance of skilled trades

News & Media, Media Releases

On Monday, Nov. 20, State Rep. Rita Fleming (D-Jeffersonville) presented local teacher Stephen Tull with $4,000 to sponsor his construction club. The construction club started at Parkview Middle School in 2022 with a membership of sixteen students. 

State Rep. Rita Fleming (D-Jeffersonville) released the following statement about the sponsorship: 

“My late husband was a guidance counselor at Parkview Middle School for over 30 years. He valued the importance of skilled trades and people who work with their hands. He wanted his students to understand that higher education isn’t the only avenue to success. When I heard about Parkview’s construction club, I wanted to start a sponsorship to support them. While younger kids may be interested in hands-on learning, they may not see the relevance of math and other courses that could help them prepare for skilled trades. They could lose interest before the later years of high school when trades courses are available to them. 

“I’d like to extend my gratitude to Stephen Tull for starting this club. He’s a middle school science teacher, and this is something he's doing with his own time, money and supplies. Tull cares deeply about his students and he’s investing in their futures. This club will help more children gain skills that will help them in life regardless of what career path they choose to take.” 

Individuals or companies interested in the sponsorship can contact [email protected] for more information. 

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