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Rep. Errington responds to domestic shooting, calls for safe storage laws

News & Media, Media Releases

On Tuesday, November 21, a 16-year-old Muncie resident shot his 18-year-old sister in a failed attempt at shooting his sister's boyfriend. The teen has since been arrested and charged with attempted murder, dangerous possession of a firearm and criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon. Additionally, the teen's mother was also apprehended on charges of neglect of a dependent, dangerous control of a child and obstruction of justice.

State Rep. Sue Errington (D-Muncie) issued the following statement in response to the incident:

“I want to extend my deepest sympathy to the young woman injured during this horrific event. Once again, the Muncie community is faced with senseless gun violence afflicting our youth. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to this repeated violence, especially when minors are involved.”

“This tragedy and those like it can easily be prevented by enacting common sense gun regulations. Passing safe storage laws ensures that minors do not have easy access to any firearm in their homes. If we want to protect children and teens from gun violence, the best course of action is to keep weapons out of their hands in the first place.”

“Our community deserves to feel safe, especially in their own homes. It is past time that the General Assembly moves to prevent unnecessary deaths and injuries resulting from our state's lax gun regulations. Until that day comes, our communities will continue to suffer.”

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