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Summers participates in Black Maternal Health Town Hall panel during the 2024 National Medical Association Region IV annual conference

IBLC, Media Releases, Member Featured

INDIANAPOLIS – On Friday, May 17, State Rep. Vanessa Summers (D-Indianapolis) will discuss Black maternal health during a town hall organized as a part of the National Medical Association's Region IV annual conference, “Black Voices Unmuted: Amplifying the Voice of Black Patients and Physicians.” During a panel comprised of maternal health experts and advocates, each participant will have seven minutes to share their expertise with the audience.

“The health of Black mothers should always be a top priority, but unfortunately state officials continue to turn a blind eye to this issue,” Summers said. “The wellbeing of Black Hoosier mothers is at stake, and it is crucial that legislators work together with patients, doctors and advocates to find an immediate solution.”

“Indiana is lagging far behind where it needs to be regarding maternal health. Our state has the 3rd highest maternal mortality rate in the nation. More specifically, Black mothers die at a 73% higher rate than white mothers. This should signal a statewide emergency, but Republican lawmakers continue to shrug their shoulders while Black women continue to lose their lives at an alarming rate. Until our state takes decisive action, it is our responsibility to continue the conversation.”

“I am excited for the opportunity to speak directly with and hear from healthcare professionals at the Region IV conference. By sharing our individual expertise and experiences, we can work together to address the unique difficulties, biases and experiences of Black mothers.”

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