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State Budget Committee approves Purdue projects

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State Rep. Sheila Klinker (D-Lafayette) says the State Budget Committee has given Purdue University trustees consent to begin several projects on the West Lafayette campus.

The committee gave its approval during its meeting today at the Statehouse.

Klinker said the projects include $12 million for the renovation of the Hall for Discovery and Learning Research (DLR), $5 million for restroom renovation in Earhart Hall, nearly $2.5 million for Wood Street utility and tunnel infrastructure repairs, and $2.2 million for accessibility renovation for Owen Hall’s east entrance.

The DLR project includes providing a dry lab and wet lab as well as office space and an area for administrative support and collaboration for the Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience and the Purdue Institute of Inflammation, Immunology, and Infectious Disease. The project calls for the full renovation of the third and fourth floor of the DLR. The work will include electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and structure upgrades. This project will support the Pillars of Excellence in the Life Sciences Initiative, which is located in Purdue’s Discovery Park.

The Earhart Hall restroom renovation will be on the first though eighth floors in the west tower. The project will provide for ADA accessibility improvements as well as new electrical and exhaust systems in addition to the replacement of the original plumbing. As a former faculty fellow for Earhart Hall, Klinker said she knew that the improvements would be very much appreciated.

There will be new chill water lines installed from Sheetz Street to South Grant Street. Additionally, new chilled and domestic water service feeds will be run to Young Hall. The project includes an upgrade in the steam service to Krannert Center and Rawls Hall.

Owen Hall ADA accessibility renovation will create a grade-level entrance on the east end of Owen Hall and make the public restrooms more accessible. The project also includes installation of an elevator to provide access to both floors of Owen Hall’s central building.

“I appreciate the support provided by committee members to help Purdue to begin these important projects,” said Klinker. “Staying in the forefront of research, making the buildings more accessible and comfortable for students, and making infrastructure improvements are all critical to keeping Purdue as one of most respected universities in the world and a leader in innovation.”

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