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State Budget Committee approves foundation work at Lanier Mansion

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Terry Goodin (D-Austin) said the State Budget Committee approved the expenditure of $117,283 for the foundation repair of the Lanier Mansion in Madison.

The committee met today on Purdue University Northwest’s Westville campus. Goodin is a member of the State Budget Committee.

“Repairing the foundation is essential to the preservation of this important, historic landmark,” said Goodin. “A study determined that the fragmented limestone and exposed blocks have contributed to the breakdown of the building’s foundation. I appreciate the interest and genuine concern of the Indiana General Assembly and my fellow State Budget Committee members. The Lanier Mansion is the state’s first historic site and a United States National Historic Landmark. Its preservation is an integral part of not only Jefferson County, but also of our state and its history as well.”

Lanier Mansion was built in 1844 in the Greek Revival style of architecture. Located at 511 W. First St. in Madison, the 13,500 square-foot building is open to the public as a historic house museum.

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