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South Shore region will receive economic boost under new law

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The Indiana General Assembly targeted Northwest Indiana through the most important economic development initiative of the 2017 session.

Last month, I was proud to host the Governor and other elected officials at a law-signing ceremony in Michigan City. This bipartisan legislation, which I co-authored and negotiated, will coordinate rail development efforts along the South Shore Line in Lake, Porter, LaPorte and St. Joseph counties.

A mix of affordable local funding options, state dollars, and a major national investment will double-track our commuter railroad. Moreover, special development districts will concentrate state resources on long-term improvements in the broader vicinity of the route. Best of all, the plan relies on no tax hikes.

This effort will spur Northwest Indiana’s economic growth, especially in areas where we have dreamed of more. By significantly reducing commuter times, we make our area a much more attractive place to live, work, visit or build a business. Such a “once-in-a-generation” project truly rejuvenates our greater economic potential.

Are changes and growth a bit uncomfortable in the beginning? If you are like me, they often are. Should we embrace the future and build a better Northwest Indiana? I think our kids and grandkids expect it.

These improvements are the work of local and state leaders who put politics and turf battles aside. It is gratifying to know what we can accomplish together.

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