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Shackleford to co-host August community conversations on racial justice

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Robin Shackleford (D-Indianapolis) will co-host two community conversations in Indianapolis in August to give area residents a chance to discuss their concerns about racial disparities in today’s society and begin to find solutions to help provide some sense of justice.

The conversations, entitled “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?,” will be:

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 at the New Beginnings Fellowship Church (East Campus), 2125 North German Church Road, Indianapolis. The event will begin at 7 p.m.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 25 at the Eastern Star Church (Main Campus), 5750 East 30th Street, Indianapolis. This event also will begin at 7 p.m.

“Joining me in co-hosting these events will be Eastern Star Pastor Jeffrey A. Johnson, Sr., and New Beginnings Fellowship Pastor James A. Jackson, Sr., two gentlemen who have proven time and again that they are both compelled to ask the tough questions that face minorities in our society and dedicated toward finding answers within their communities that can bring true justice for all,” Shackleford said. “I am deeply honored that they have chosen to join me in starting these dialogues.”

Also participating in the conversations will be elected officials, public safety officers, clergy, and youth advocates. These events will include community panel discussions, audience activities, and advocacy training.

“For far too long, we as a nation of people have been reluctant to address critical issues surrounding racial disparities,” Shackleford said. “Now the time is upon us and we are compelled by necessity. We can no longer escape or put it off any longer. We must have a real discussion about whether we want to continue as a nation divided or truly become the United States of America.

“At these conversations, you will have a chance to be heard by people who can push policy initiatives to change systemic laws, regulations and policies that have disproportionately affected minorities,” she continued. “These conversations seek to empower members of our community to feel equipped to take on battles in areas where one may feel marginalized.”

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