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Rep. Porter’s legislative efforts to control pest population prevail

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INDIANAPOLIS – Members of the Indiana House passed legislation today authored by State Representative Gregory W. Porter (D-Indianapolis) that creates a study committee to examine how to control bed bugs and other pests.

House Bill 1441 aims to control the pest pollution that is contaminating the environment and Hoosiers’ homes, as well as preventing various types of diseases and other health hazards.

“The main pest this legislation focuses on is bed bugs,” said Porter. “These pests cause irritable bites and rashes and transport human to human, making them especially tricky to exterminate. In order to get rid of them, you must contact a qualified pest management professional.”

This legislation also allows the State Department of Health and the Health and Hospital Corporation to be given authority to adopt rules concerning pests and vector control.

“House Bill 1441’s main goal is to protect, promote, and improve public health throughout the state of Indiana,” said Porter. “Keeping the pest population down is essential for living a happy, healthy lifestyle.”

The Indiana House passed this legislation with a vote of 92 to 0. It will now move to the Senate for further review.

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