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Pelath to Give Away Tree Seedlings at Michigan City Market on Saturday

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – Continuing one of his annual rites of springtime, Indiana House Democratic Leader Scott Pelath from Michigan City will be giving away free tree seedlings to area residents at the Michigan City Farmer’s Market on Saturday (June 4).

Pelath will begin giving away Red Pine and Tulip Tree seedlings at 8:30 a.m. (local time) Saturday on a first-come, first served basis at a table next to the management booth at the market, which is located at 8th and Washington Streets in Michigan City.

“Of all the duties I perform as a state lawmaker, the annual tree giveaway is one of my favorites because it enables me to meet with area families and play a role in getting them to do an activity together: planting a tree,” Pelath said. “It is such a simple thing to do, but it has such a lasting impact. As has been said so eloquently before, you don’t plant a tree for yourself, you plant it for future generations.”

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