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Pelath on governor’s health care plan: sounds OK, but coverage remains key

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana House Democratic Leader Scott Pelath from Michigan City today issued the following statement in reaction to Gov. Mike Pence’s health care proposal:

“From the start, Indiana House Democrats have demanded changes to a system that leaves nearly 400,000 Hoosiers with the emergency room as their only health care option.

“Does the plan announced today meet that demand?

“If the Obama Administration and Governor Pence can agree on a plan, everyone should applaud. It’s long past time to stop with the political grandstanding over Obamacare, and to start solving real problems for real people.

“We have asked the Governor to offer affordable health care to all uninsured Hoosiers. And we have always said if his way works, we will not dicker over the details.

“Hopefully, we are now entering the era of shared accountability. When the TV cameras go away and the stories and editorials have been written, pesky issues will emerge and the hard work will begin. All big decisions require continual refinement and improvement.

“I will note that this plan has yet to have the full review of the public…not to mention the federal government. Hoosiers already are sending their hard-earned tax dollars to Washington to pay for people in other states to have health care.

“But we hope the President and the Governor have an answer, even if it is long overdue. Late is always better than never.”

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