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Macer Schedules Another Active Shooter Emergency Response Public Forum

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS—State Rep. Karlee Macer (D-Indianapolis) awoke to the devastating news that a heavily armed man went on an early Sunday morning shooting spree that took the lives of at least 49 people at an Orlando, Florida nightclub, the worst mass shooting in American history.

Fewer than 12 hours earlier, Macer co-hosted a public forum on active shooter emergency response in order for local residents to be prepared for such a tragedy.

“When I turned on the television news Sunday morning, I was absolutely stunned to hear the news about scores of innocent people at this Orlando gay nightclub being gunned down by someone apparently consumed with irrational hatred and little regard for human life,” reflected Macer. “Just the day before, I was joined by officials from the Indiana State Police, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department and the Speedway Police Department in co-hosting a forum to alert residents about how to respond to an attack by a gunman, like the one in Orlando.

“One generally feels helpless in a crisis like this because there is little one can do, yet I thought to myself that we attracted large groups of people at the other two forums, so we should hold another one as soon as possible,” added Macer. “Being better educated and prepared for such an attack is the most important thing we can do for our community. We are blessed to have experts from the Indiana State Police as well as from the police departments from Indianapolis and Speedway, so I contacted the departments this morning and put together a forum for next Tuesday. It really is an outstanding program. The Indiana State Police’s unarmed active shooter presentation is nationally recognized for its excellence.”

Macer said the public forum will be 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 21 at the Chapel Hill 7th and 8th Grade Center Auditorium, 7320 W. 10th Street. Due to the subject matter, the forum is not recommended children younger than 14 years of age. However, all adults are welcome and encouraged to attend.

“What I also want to emphasize is that this forum is not going to be a platform for a discussion on gun laws or politics,” stressed Macer. “This forum is about being prepared in case of an active shooter situation. It is about saving lives and, as much as possible, preventing a tragedy, like the one in Orlando, from ever happening in our community.”

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