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Macer: As State Brags about Economic Expertise, Don’t Forget about Carrier

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INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Karlee Macer (D-Indianapolis) today issued the following statement after recent announcements regarding the state’s unemployment rate and the economic impact of Carrier Corp.’s decision to close its Indiana operations, putting close to 2,100 Hoosiers out of work:

“I understand the desire of our governor to use announcements about our state’s unemployment rate to tout his administration’s economic successes. After all, he is running for re-election.

“But I also cannot help but notice that the governor chooses not to pay the slightest attention to another announcement that came our way today: experts believe that Carrier’s decision to shut down its operations in Indianapolis and Huntington and put 2,100 people out of work will cost our state’s economy more than $100 million a year.

“Those same experts also mention that the Carrier layoffs will result in additional jobs being lost by those companies that supplied Carrier and businesses that relied upon Carrier to supply them. Add those in and officials estimate that the overall number of job losses will exceed 2,700.

“And the workers who are losing their jobs still are unclear what kind of severance they will receive from Carrier. That prevents them from seeking the training and other assistance they need to care for themselves and their families.

“I see the Carrier workers every day. I see the fear and uncertainty they have about the future. Will they be able to feed their families? If their kids get sick, can they afford to take them to the doctor? Will they ever be able to find another job?

“My heart aches for them, and I get angry when I think that so many officials react to Carrier’s loss with little more than a shrug of the shoulders, as if nothing could be done.

“But something should be done. We as taxpayers invested in the growth of Carrier through tax breaks. In return, we should have the assurances that these companies are just as committed to Indiana.

“I would implore the governor not to forget about Carrier when he brags about what a great job Indiana is doing.”

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