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INDIANAPOLIS – Below is the text of a letter that State Rep. Melanie Wright has sent to U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos regarding public education:

Dear Madam Secretary:

Congratulations on your recent confirmation as the Secretary of Education. As an educator, I value the importance of preparing tomorrow’s leaders and look forward to engaging with the rules, policies, and guidelines you will implement during your tenure.

I am writing to request that you seek a Deputy Secretary with extensive experience in public education. Providing a high quality public education system remains one of the most critical functions of the government. The demands on students, teachers, and schools within the public education system are often quite different than those for private and charter schools, and it is imperative to understand the daily realities they face.

The implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act will necessitate a decision maker with a firm grasp of problems facing public schools. As schools move from the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act to those of the Every Student Succeeds Act, having a close associate with public education experience will help ensure a smooth transition.

Furthermore, the world of public education policy is rapidly changing. There is an increasingly serious challenge to the traditional model of public education for all. As such, it will be vital to seek policy guidance from representatives of various views, including those that have supported public education throughout their career.

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my thoughts. Again, I look forward to engaging with the policies you implement while serving as Secretary of Education.


Melanie Wright
State Representative
House District 35

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