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Klinker: “We still need more information and transparency”

News & Media, Media Releases

On Monday, Governor Holcomb ordered immediate action on the state's water supply studies. The order tasked the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) with exclusive oversight of the completion and validation of the Wabash alluvial aquifer study. 

State Rep. Sheila Klinker (D-Lafayette) released the following statement:

“I’d like to extend my gratitude to Governor Holcomb for his response. Elected by the people, the governor is obligated to serve the public. He’s trying to serve several counties with this order. I’m pleased with Governor Holcomb’s order for the IFA to oversee the ongoing study. 

“In addition to his order, I believe our community needs more information and transparency. I believe we need more studies. Information and education are vital to the Lafayette community, and we are not getting the answers we deserve. There needs to be an additional, independent third-party study that has our region’s best interests at heart. Overall, I continue to have questions concerning the entire project. I will continue working alongside my fellow legislators to support equitable access to water for our region.” 

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