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Klinker comments on Wabash aquifer executive summary

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 State Rep. Sheila Klinker (D-Lafayette) issued the following statement regarding the report on the Wabash River’s alluvial aquifer by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC):

“The Wabash River has been a long-standing symbol of the Hoosier spirit. It’s featured in our state song, is important in our history and has been a vital part of the Lafayette Community. If the IEDC is going to do something with the river and its aquifers, the people need a deeper understanding of the consequences. After carefully reviewing the executive summary, we need more answers. Multiple local leaders and Purdue scientists have called for an independent, third-party study. An objective, independent study would provide the community with transparency and real results. Caution should always be our first instinct when it comes to natural resources, the well-being of our community and its future.” 

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