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Hamilton encourages Indiana to follow Texas in nixing tax on menstrual products, family care products

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Starting this month, Texans no longer pay sales tax on menstrual products and family care products such as diapers thanks to action taken by the Texas state legislature. Rep. Carey Hamilton (D-Indianapolis), a long-time proponent of eliminating Indiana's “tampon tax,” released the following statement calling for Indiana to adopt this policy:

“Indiana has imported quite a few policies from Texas, in large part because Texas is viewed as a champion of conservative leadership. Now, Texas has eliminated the tax on menstrual products, diapers, baby bottles and baby wipes in recognition of the fact that these items are a basic health necessity. I say we follow suit and give women and families' wallets a break. This is a commonsense policy that Texas' stalwart conservatives have embraced – I would love to see the Indiana General Assembly's proud conservatives embrace it, too.”

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