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‘Jobs for America’s Graduates’ award winners commended by the Indiana House of Representatives

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INDIANAPOLIS – Today State Rep. John Bartlett (D-Indianapolis) presented Senate Resolution 44, congratulating the recipients of the 2015 JAG Career Development awards. The students were applauded by members of the Indiana House of Representatives for their outstanding achievements and hard work.

JAG (Jobs of America’s Graduates) is a state-based national program dedicated to reconnecting students academically by helping them overcome barriers to graduation.

“JAG recognizes outstanding students from across Indiana, and I’m proud of the Arlington High School students who represented my district at the state-level,” Bartlett said. “There are 106 JAG programs located in over 90 Indiana schools, making the program the largest in the nation.”

Bartlett recently attended the 7th annual JAG-Indiana Conference, which resulted from months of statewide regional competition. All final results came from categorical scores in financial literacy, career presentation, critical thinking, employability skills, public speaking, creative solutions and writing skills.

Since 2006, JAG-Indiana has helped more than 9,000 Hoosier students graduate, pursue post-secondary education, and secure quality jobs leading to career advancement.

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