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Indiana House Republicans vote ‘no’ on Porter attempt to cut Hoosier taxes

IBLC, News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Gregory W. Porter (D-Indianapolis), Ranking Democrat of the House Ways and Means Committee, today attempted to cut Hoosier taxes by increasing the state income tax exemption for individuals and families.

Amendment 8 to House Bill 1002 would have increased the state income tax exemption from $1,000 to $2,000 for an individual, and from $1,000 to $2,000 for each spouse in the case of a joint return. It also provided an enhanced exemption of an additional $3,000 for an individual with gross income not exceeding $20,000, and, in the case of a joint return with gross income not exceeding $40,000, an enhanced exemption of an additional $3,000 for each spouse.

“House Republicans tout the need to return money to the pockets of taxpayers, but when they are presented with a substantive process to do so, they vote it down,” Porter said.

“The state income tax exemption has been stagnant for decades. My amendment would adjust for inflation and empower Hoosiers with greater financial flexibility.

“Our state is sitting on billions in surplus revenue that can and should be put to use in service to Hoosiers. House Bill 1002 is on the road to use those funds to fuel another round of corporate tax breaks, leaving the working Hoosier out in the cold. It's disappointing to see the supermajority once again choose corporations over people.

House Republicans rejected Porter's amendment with a vote of 56-27.

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