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Indiana continues to “run in place” on affordable health care for Hoosiers

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INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana House Democratic Leader Scott Pelath from Michigan City issued the following statement in response to Gov. Mike Pence’s announcement about the Healthy Indiana Plan [ALSO AVAILABLE: MP3 audio from a Statehouse news conference held today on this issue]:

“While I am pleased that we have temporarily settled the health care fears of Hoosiers covered under the Healthy Indiana Plan, we have not solved the problems that face more than 400,000 Hoosiers who still have no answer to their health care concerns apart from visits to their local emergency rooms.

“The stubbornness demonstrated by this administration on the Affordable Care Act would put a mule to shame, and for no reason at all. They continue to be unwilling and unable to do anything to seriously discuss a plan that will assure millions of Hoosier tax dollars return to our state to make health care affordable.

“So our money will continue to pay for affordable health care for our neighbors in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and Kentucky. We have no answers for the people of Indiana.

“No matter how you try to sugar coat it, our continued intransigence on the subject of affordable health care in Indiana is an embarrassment and a failure.”

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