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IBLC announces topics for 2013 Legislative Symposium

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INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Black Legislative Caucus (IBLC) will host discussions on a wide range of subjects at the 2013 Annual Legislative Symposium, which will be held on Friday, Sept. 6, on the Indiana University Northwest (IUN) campus in Gary.

This year’s theme for the symposium is “The Critical Importance of Education, Healthcare, and Jobs for All.” The registration form is available online. One can also register in person on the morning of the symposium. The cost of the symposium is $50 per person. Scholarships for the symposium are available upon request.

“We will be exploring areas that dramatically affect the entire state, but, in particular, the African-American community,” explained Sen. Lonnie Randolph (D-East Chicago), who chairs the IBLC. “Those specific areas are children’s issues, economic development, pre-school through 12th grade (P-12) education, higher education, and health. In addition, we will hold a special youth forum to talk about college preparedness, job skills, and internships as well as share explanations about the legislative process.”

Rep. Robin Shackleford chairs the IBLC Legislative Symposium. She says the event has attracted highly respected experts and professionals in numerous fields.

“In addition to legislators who serve on House and Senate committees that review legislation affecting these issues, we are bringing in nationally-known individuals who specialize in areas like energy, education and health care. The education discussions, for instance, will range from the controversial A-F school grading system to the Common Core,” said Shackleford. “Health issues will include implementation of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the expansion of Medicaid.

IU Northwest is proud to serve as the host site for the annual symposium, according to school officials.

“Community engagement, including a partnership such as this, is the hallmark of IU Northwest’s commitment to advancing educational opportunities, while addressing regional priorities,” IU Northwest Chancellor William J. Lowe said.

Randolph said Dr. Tony Lux, former Merrillville Community School Corporation superintendent, and Group Director for the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Health Program Martha King will be the featured keynote speakers during the symposium.

Shackleford outlined more specifics about each of the topic areas.

The children’s issues breakout session will be chaired by Rep. Vanessa Summers (D-Indianapolis). The issues reviewed will include an overview of recent legislation affecting the Indiana Department of Child Services as well mental health, poverty, family stability, and daycare regulation.

The economic development breakout session will be chaired by Reps. John Bartlett (D-Indianapolis) and Earl Harris (D-East Chicago). The focus of this group will be opportunities for owners of small businesses, Minority-owned Business Enterprises (MBE) and Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBE), an Indiana Department of Transportation project update, and a discussion of energy issues.

The P-12 education breakout session will be chaired by Rep. Greg Porter (D-Indianapolis) and Sen. Earline Rogers (D-Gary). The issues will include ensuring equity and fairness in expanding opportunities for all students to learn, discipline issues, Common Core, the growth model, A-F school grading, bullying programs, and pre-school.

The higher education breakout session will be chaired by Rep. Cherrish Pryor (D-Indianapolis), Rep. Vernon G. Smith (D-Gary), and Sen. Randolph. Numerous subjects will be discussed, including student recruiting and retention rates; faculty recruiting, retention and promotion; and diversity issues.

The health breakout session will be chaired by Rep. Charlie Brown (D-Gary) and Sen. Jean Breaux (D-Indianapolis). Agenda issues include the implementation of ACA, the Healthy Indiana Plan extension, expansion of Medicaid, and a look at the future for hospitals and healthcare providers.

The Youth Forum breakout session will be chaired by Rep. Shackleford. As Sen. Randolph mentioned, the topics will include college preparedness, job skills, internships, and an explanation of the legislative process.

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