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House of Representatives on Tuesday passed Summers legislation to fight diabetes in Indiana

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – The House yesterday passed House Bill 1642, legislation authored by State Representative Vanessa Summers (D-Indianapolis) which seeks to reduce the number of diabetes. This measure passed 95-0.

The World Health Organization estimated in 2011 that the number of adults in the United States with diabetes will double by the year 2030.

In addition, the prevalence of diabetes has reached staggering levels, increasing by almost 5 percent each year since 2000. In Indiana, the rates of diabetes have also vastly grown, increasing by over 50 percent from 2000 to 2009, according the Indiana State Department of Health.

“What we are trying to do is get the numbers of diabetes sufferers down in Indiana, because it has become an epidemic here,” said Summers. “We plan to do this through innovative measures that already exist out there. It is just a matter of finding them.”

That is why Summers has pushed this legislation to create a study committee that will examine and improve diabetes care, in addition to controlling complications associated with diabetes.

The committee will also study the benefits of current programs that are already in place and identify all the current and collaborative efforts to address diabetes.

This study committee will then be tasked with submitting a final report containing its findings and recommendations to the Legislature, which will take action in reducing the impact of pre-diabetes, diabetes, and diabetes-related complications.

“A change in your lifestyle is required,” Summers added. “You must change your diet, learn what you are putting in your body, and moderate your exercise. It may be that 150 minutes sounds like a lot of exercise but you don’t have to be a ‘gym rat.’ Just walking your dog can help you shed much needed pounds.”

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