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House Democratic Leader Pelath on 2017 session’s first half: destined to be little-known and long-forgotten

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana House Democratic Leader Scott Pelath from Michigan City today issued the following statement on the first half of the 2017 session of the Indiana General Assembly:

“I don’t think Ronald Reagan would recognize the Republican Party of today in Indiana.

“While I’m sure that the Indiana House Republicans are pleased with what they’ve done this session, I’m not so sure anyone else is joyful.

“They rammed through a road plan that taxes too much and gives unlimited power to toll.

“They passed a budget that certainly will be applauded by the testing companies who will get millions for ISTEP or ILEARN or whatever bogus name they can conjure up to try and make people forget they are selling the same old test that no one liked. However, the same budget doesn’t do enough for our public schools, and returns to the same old formula of diverting more and more toward private subsidies and charters.

“They said that the people of Indiana do NOT have the right to choose who serves as the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

“They simply could not resist the impulse to interfere in the private health care decisions of women across Indiana.

“Yes, they may feel they’ve done a wonderful job, but the storm clouds for the remainder of the session have formed.

“Already we have heard the rumblings from the Senate gurus that the House Republican road plan takes too much from Hoosier taxpayers, and the House Republican budget isn’t that great, either. And as for the idea that the people of Indiana shouldn’t elect a Superintendent of Public Instruction…well, the Senate went bipartisan to vote against that idea.

“As the people of Indiana watch the warring Republican factions in the House and Senate prepare for battle, House Democrats remain ready and able to help.

“Our road plan doesn’t raise taxes or tolls.

“Our budget cuts excessive state spending, and assures that our schools don’t see funding cut…again.

“Whenever the Republicans get finished deciding whichever plan of theirs is in more trouble, give us a call and we’ll lend a hand.”

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