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Harris, IBLC comments on United States Supreme Court decision on affirmative action

IBLC, Media Releases, Member Featured

State Rep. Earl Harris Jr. (D-East Chicago), chair of the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus (IBLC), issued the following statement about the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) voting to strike down affirmative action in higher education enrollment:

“This decision from SCOTUS sets America back 45 years. We know that individuals with a higher education are more likely to have a high-wage job, better health outcomes and an overall higher quality of life. Unfortunately, it’s also a fact that systemic racism and injustice has blocked African Americans and other minority groups from accessing programs and resources often needed to get a hand up in life, including a college education.

“I and members of the IBLC are disheartened to see six justices strike down this protection that has, for decades, helped us begin to level the playing field. Education is the great equalizer, and without affirmative action protected by the Supreme Court, I fear we run the risk of huge decreases of African American and minority students among college populations, which will have long-lasting impacts for generations to come.”

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