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DeLaney comments on SCOTUS ruling in favor of democracy

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Today, the Supreme Court of the United States decided to uphold a decision of the North Carolina Supreme Court that ruled the gerrymandered congressional maps drawn by the North Carolina state legislature unconstitutional. This U.S. Supreme Court ruling rejects the so-called “independent state legislature theory” that would have given state legislatures nearly unchecked power over congressional elections. State Rep. Ed DeLaney (D-Indianapolis) issued the following statement in response: 

“The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected the idea that state courts cannot protect citizens from gerrymandered congressional seats. This upholds the principle that no body of government is above the law or above the will of the people. 

“Democrats in Indiana hold only two out of nine congressional seats, but regularly see over 40% of the popular vote on a bad day. These maps are not reflective of the views of Hoosiers. Now that SCOTUS has given the power to reject gerrymandering to state courts, this gives our state courts the opportunity to intervene and secure fair election maps. Extreme Republicans have not seemed to care about gerrymandering. They welcome it. Now the question is: Will our Republicans, including those in the General Assembly, stand up for free and fair elections?” 

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