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Hamilton commends IDEM for moving forward with climate action plan, calls for the legislature to contribute

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The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has begun creating a climate action plan to address the state's greenhouse gas emissions. The United States Environmental Protection Agency awarded Indiana $3 million in grants authorized by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act to craft this plan. The initial deadline for the plan is in March 2025 and the final long term plan deadline is in 2025. If this planning process is successful, a far larger pool of federal funding will be open to Indiana. 

“I commend IDEM for moving forward with the creation of this climate action plan despite inaction from the legislature,” State Rep. Carey Hamilton (D-Indianapolis) said. “The additional federal funds riding on the success of IDEM’s plan would spur new investment in our manufacturing sector.  This will reduce sector emissions while growing good manufacturing jobs in clean energy and cleantech - giving us a competitive edge in the quickly transitioning economy. Notably, these economic benefits are tied to addressing climate change, creating more resilient communities and ensuring a livable future for our children and grandchildren.  

“I, once again, call upon my colleagues in the General Assembly to engage on this issue. I look forward to working across the aisle to move our state forward and protect its future.”

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