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Goodin: DCS director resignation raises “disturbing” questions; “full investigations” demanded

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INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana House Democratic Leader Terry Goodin from Austin today issued the following statement in reaction to the resignation of Mary Beth Bonaventura as director of the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS):

“The circumstances surrounding this resignation raise some highly disturbing questions about the commitment this administration is showing toward protecting those children who are most at risk.

“To hear that the director of DCS is leaving that post because the administration is pursuing policies that ’all but ensure children will die’ should give any reasonable person pause. Since taking the post, Mary Beth Bonaventura has done a praise-worthy job of bringing a measure of sanity to an agency that has seen its fair share of deserved criticism through the years.

“To see that there is a higher priority placed upon maintaining a multi-billion dollar budget surplus rather than accomplishing this agency’s stated mission is nothing new to any of us who have played a role in working on state budgets these past few years. It is a common refrain among far too many sectors of state government.

“But it is wrong for us to allow this state to pursue a course that appears to be so completely opposite to what should be its mission: protecting our children.

“I know that Indiana House Democrats will be demanding answers from the governor and his administration.

“We intend to ask questions in every available venue. It will be a constant debate topic before the full House, and I intend to ask our members on both the Ways and Means and the Family, Children and Human Affairs Committees to demand full investigations into the concerns raised by Director Bonaventura. This should be a priority for all legislators during the 2018 session.

“If it’s a choice between saving dollars or saving lives, there should be no debate here.”

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