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Funding secured for construction of vet medicine teaching hospital at Purdue, according to Klinker

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Sheila Klinker (D-Lafayette) announced that a long-awaited expansion of Purdue University’s veterinary medicine facilities moved a critical step closer to reality today with State Budget Committee approval of more than $37 million in improvements, highlighted by construction of a new teaching hospital.

Budget committee members approved two separate projects affecting the program during the group’s monthly business meeting at the Indiana Statehouse: $35 million for the construction of Phase One of the Veterinary Medicine Hospital and $2.395 million for improvements to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in the Lynn Hall of Veterinary Medicine.

“The Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine is the only college of its kind in the state of Indiana, and one of just four colleges across the country that is designed to educate the entire veterinary team,” Klinker said. “Under the careful guidance of Dean Willie Reed, the university has identified the new hospital as the top priority in its efforts to offer the best level of services to a new generation of students.

“The profession of veterinary medicine has changed greatly in the more than 50 years since Lynn Hall opened its doors,” she continued. “The quality of medical care expected for animals has come to rival that for the quality of health care expected by their owners, with a greater emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. By offering modernized facilities, we can meet animal care needs and help to train the next generation of veterinarians.”

The first phase of the project calls for the construction of a 76,600-square foot hospital—devoted to the treatment of horses and other large animals—located to the east of the College’s existing facilities. Space for the facility is being made available through the demolition of Freehafer Hall and the development of the Williams Street extension to Harrison Street.

“This new hospital will include space for large animal surgery, diagnostic services and treatment, as well as wards and an intensive care unit,” Klinker said.

Current plans call for construction of the facility to begin next September, with the hospital anticipated to open in the summer of 2020. The project is being financed through university operating reserves and gift funds.

Future phases of the project will include construction of hospitals devoted to small animals and food animal species such as cattle.


Photo Credit: Purdue Marketing & Media

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