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GiaQuinta comments on 2022-23 Choice Scholarship Program report

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This month, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) released the annual Choice Scholarship Program analysis. Indiana House Democratic Leader Phil GiaQuinta (D-Fort Wayne) is a proponent of traditional K-12 public schools. 

“Republicans are defunding Indiana public schools right in front of us,” GiaQuinta said. “There is no doubt in my mind after reading this report that traditional public schools are going to close, students won’t have teachers and kids will be treated like profit centers.

“It’s my adamant belief that every student regardless of zip code deserves a well-rounded education from cradle to career. State lawmakers have a constitutional obligation to provide a uniform and public system of schools. This report shows a further erosion of that obligation as public school dollars are siphoned into private pockets. Vouchers were originally intended to provide an education for poor students in poor-performing schools. Now it’s a handout to the state’s wealthiest individuals.”

Hoosier parents overwhelmingly choose traditional K-12 public schools despite the state continuing to provide tax dollars to private schools. Nearly 97% of families are eligible for vouchers including households making nearly $220,000 yearly. To put it in perspective, the median household income in Indiana is $61,944 in 2021.

“There isn’t this magical ‘choice’ expansion that Republicans are purporting,” GiaQuinta added. “Universal vouchers essentially provide the choice for wealthy individuals to continue sending their kids to private schools. Meanwhile, traditional K-12 schools continue to remain cash-strapped in urban, suburban and rural communities throughout Indiana.

“Almost every Hoosier wants their schools to be fully equipped to provide a quality education to the next generation. Indiana can fund its future by ensuring traditional K-12 public schools.” 

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