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Errington responds to gun violence in Muncie

News & Media, Media Releases

Muncie police responded to reports of automatic gunfire at a home near North Granville Avenue on Saturday, October 21st. Police arrested the shooter, a Ball State student living in an on-campus dorm. At the time of his arrest, the student was in possession of a handgun and a switch to transform it into a machine gun. State Rep. Sue Errington (D-Muncie), released the following statement:

“The gun violence facing our community requires immediate attention. This is sadly not an isolated incident. This past July, a mass shooting left one dead and 18 injured at a block party. Just over a month later, a man was arrested after he opened fire on a neighborhood near South Jefferson Street. This violence is a constant threat in our community that must be met with swift action.

“In response to the mass shooting in July, community members have moved to action. On Monday, the Muncie NAACP branch announced that they will be working with a consultant to directly address gun violence in Muncie. The consultant will host listening sessions that brings together community members, public officials, and law enforcement. These sessions will place a specific focus on teens, allowing them to offer their own perspectives and opinions about the gun violence in Muncie. By directly involving teens in these conversations, we can create solutions that better inform, serve and protect the most vulnerable in our community.

“I am proud that organizations and community members are stepping up to discuss solutions for our community. By keeping residents informed at an early age, we can help curb the reckless gun use in our community. We need the involvement of all parties young and old to find a solution to this epidemic. Community action alone cannot protect us from these deadly crimes. We also need legislators to support sensible gun policies to stop citizens from being killed.

“I am fully committed to ending this senseless violence. Everyone should be able to celebrate, work and play without a constant fear for their lives. It is unacceptable that these deadly acts are allowed to occur over and over without intervention. To stop the violence, public officials must work alongside law enforcement and the community to keep Muncie residents safe.”

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