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Errington amendment to allow local regulation of firearms denied vote

News & Media, Media Releases

INDIANAPOLIS – On Jan. 22, State Rep. Sue Errington (D-Muncie) proposed an amendment to House Bill 1235 which would have allowed local governments to regulate the usage of firearms, ammunition and firearm accessories. House Republicans ruled the amendment non-germane.

Please attribute the following statement to Errington:

“In light of the continued gun-related injuries and deaths across Indiana, our legislature must address proper firearm regulation now more than ever.  Given this, I am disheartened that my amendment to combat this violence was deemed ineligible for a vote.

“Indiana maintains a one-size-fits all approach to gun regulation, but what works for one community may not work for another. My amendment would empower local governments to make decisions that best address issues facing its constituents. In other words, it would have let those most familiar with the unique concerns in a community dictate the best approach in responding to those needs.

“If we want to really address Indiana's gun crisis, we must have some flexibility and acknowledge that local officials are best equipped to design these regulations, not the state.”

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