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Democrats on House Education Committee send follow-up letter to governor

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INDIANAPOLIS – The Democratic members of the House Education Committee today sent a follow-up letter to the Governor seeking a response to their demands for stronger state leadership as schools struggle to reopen.

The letter addressed to Governor Eric Holcomb was signed by State Reps. Ed. DeLaney (D-Indianapolis), Sheila Klinker (D-Lafayette), Tonya Pfaff (D-Terre Haute), and Ranking Minority Member for the House Education Committee Vernon G. Smith (D-Gary).

Read the full letter below:

July 16, 2020

The Honorable Eric Holcomb

Governor of Indiana

200 West Washington Street

Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Dear Governor Holcomb:

Last month, the Democratic members of the Indiana House Committee on Education sent a letter concerning the direction for the successful reopening of our state's schools. To date, my fellow committee members nor I have received a response from your office. Nonetheless, the expected problems with school openings have only worsened. Lack of leadership from your administration has resulted in a scatter shot approach with mass confusion and anger among parents, teachers and taxpayers. We hope that you will respond to this letter.

We would like to reiterate the urgency to our first proposal: hold school districts harmless from change in enrollment numbers that would lower state funding. School districts across the state must be guaranteed that they will not lose revenue at this critical moment. School leaders are understandably fearful that attendance will drop in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. At the same time, they face dramatically increased expenditures aimed at protecting student safety and health.

It is beyond the time for you to provide real assurance to our educational leaders. Will you act to protect them from revenue declines? Will you act to help them cover additional expenses? Or will you leave them adrift?


Ed DeLaney - House District 86

Sheila Klinker - House District 27

Tonya Pfaff - House District 43

Dr. Vernon G. Smith - House District 13

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