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State Rep. Pryor’s measure honoring Bill Crawford signed into law

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INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has given final approval to legislation authored by State Rep. Cherrish Pryor (D-Indianapolis) that will name the state’s Minority Teacher Scholarship program after the late State Representative William A. Crawford from Indianapolis.

House Enrolled Act 1034 honors a lawmaker who served in the Indiana General Assembly for 40 years and is seen as one of the most influential African-American leaders in our state’s history. Among Crawford’s accomplishments included authoring the original bill that created the Minority Teacher Scholarship program.

“This is just one small piece of the enduring legacy that Rep. Crawford left behind,” said Pryor. “Naming the legislation after him is a way to preserve his memory and honor all of the hard work and sacrifices that he made.”

In addition to renaming the scholarship, changes were made to the scholarship program itself.

First, it requires that a student maintains his or her institutions’ required GPA to qualify.

Second, it streamlines the process so the Commission for Higher Education can better promote the program.

Third, it allows the Commission for Higher Education to adjust award amounts based on the student’s financial needs.

The scholarship program is offered to minority students who pursue a degree that would allow them to teach in an accredited Indiana school. Students with high needs can get up to $4,000 per academic year to pursue a teaching degree.

“The changes made to this scholarship will give students a clear idea of what is expected of them in order to be awarded the scholarship,” said Pryor. “It also helps ensure that the students who could most benefit from the scholarship have access to the funds.

“I am so thankful that we have received the governor’s approval and can truly honor Rep Crawford’s time spent at the Statehouse,” concluded Pryor.

The new law takes effect July 1.

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