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State Rep. Hamilton calls on Indiana’s attorney general to protect the United States Postal Service

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INDIANAPOLIS – State Representative Carey Hamilton (D-Indianapolis) today expressed concern about drastic decisions at the United States Postal Service (USPS) that are weakening day-to-day operations and threatening this essential public service. The Trump administration's actions come just months before an election predicted to see record levels of mail-in voting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

At least half a dozen states are said to be reviewing their legal options against the ongoing policy changes that undermine the nation's postal system. 

“With virtually no warning, the United States Postal Service has taken several steps that undermine its mission,” Hamilton said.

“I am beyond disappointed with President Trump's decision to replace a 33-year career public servant with a donor and businessman who has financial ties to companies that have conflicts of interest with the postal service. Vote-by-mail is not the only vital function at risk, as many Hoosiers rely on USPS for their business and even delivery of prescription medications which has already been affected by recent changes. 

“Today, I am calling on Attorney General Curtis Hill to join fellow attorneys general across the nation who plan to take action and protect access to an invaluable American institution.”

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