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Stan Jones and his contributions to Indiana education memorialized by General Assembly

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Sheila Klinker (D-Lafayette) offered a House Concurrent Resolution Tuesday honoring former State Rep. Stan Jones (D-West Lafayette) and his many years of service to the people of Indiana.

“Stan and I served together for 16 years in the Indiana House of Representatives,” said Klinker. “He was a member of the House Education, the Ways and Means, and State Budget committees as well as majority floor leader. He went on to shape the future of higher education in Indiana as the state’s Commissioner for Higher Education.

“Stan also worked with Governor Robert Orr to pass Prime Time, which called for smaller class sizes for kindergarten through third grade,” continued Klinker. “In addition, Stan played an instrumental role in expanding educational opportunities through the 21st Century Scholars program, Ivy Tech and the Indiana Education Roundtable. Stan’s positive work will live as a tribute to a man who was taken far too soon.”

Jones died at the age of 67 on Feb. 6, 2017. He served in the Indiana House of Representatives from 1974-1990. Gov. Evan Bayh then asked Jones to serve as a senior advisor for five years, before the governor appointed him to head the Commission for Higher Education. Jones served in that capacity for the next 12 years for governors of both parties.

Jones helped formulate and initiate the 21st Century Scholars program to assist low-income students complete a postsecondary education. He also helped create Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana and was largely responsible for establishment of the Indiana Education Roundtable.

In 2009, Jones founded Complete College America, whose mission was to increase the number of Americans with postsecondary degrees or credentials. That organization has now grown to 42 member states.

The House Concurrent Resolution was unanimously passed in the Indiana House and Senate.

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