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Smith’s resolution honors retiring Justice Robert D. Rucker

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INDIANAPOLIS – The entire Indiana House of Representatives signed on to State Rep. Vernon G. Smith’s (D-Gary) resolution honoring Indiana Supreme Court Justice Robert D. Rucker’s long and honorable service to the state of Indiana.

House Resolution 16 was offered on the House floor today (Feb. 6) to honor Justice Rucker as he prepares to retire.

Representatives from both sides of the aisle went to the microphone to praise Justice Rucker, who grew up in Gary, Indiana in a working-class household. Justice Rucker spoke of the strength of his humble upbringing in a loving home run by a cab driver father and his mother, a domestic worker. He said his parents gave him great examples to follow as well as encouragement to achieve his dreams.

Each of the representatives spoke of Justice Rucker’s fairness, his humility and his commitment to the citizens of Indiana. Rucker was the first African American to serve on the Indiana Court of Appeals when he was appointed by Gov. Evan Bayh to that position in 1991. In 1999, Gov. Frank O’Bannon elevated Rucker to the state’s high court.

In addition to accolades by legislators, Chief Justice Loretta Rush, while standing among the other Indiana Supreme Court justices, told those in the chamber how much Rucker would be missed.

As Smith offered the closing speech to the resolution, he said he felt like he “was hit by a ton of bricks” when Rucker announced his retirement. Smith added that he “always assumed Justice Rucker would be there serving the state of Indiana.” The Gary legislator then invited all of the representatives to join him on the bill, which they did. Smith and Justice Rucker shared a long embrace before House members voted unanimously to support the resolution.

“Justice Rucker’s place in Indiana history will be an honored one,” said Smith.

“He opened doors to women and people of color, so they could advance their careers and so the state’s judicial system would become more diverse and fair. A person of Justice Rucker’s stature comes around once in a lifeline, if one is lucky. The state of Indiana has been fortunate indeed. I know Justice Rucker will make a positive impact in whatever pursuits he follows. May God continue to bless this good and honorable man.”

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