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Shackleford bill promoting food access heard in committee

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A bill authored by State Rep. Robin Shackleford (D-Indianapolis) was heard in the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee today. House Bill 1097 establishes the Healthy Food Incubator Fund under the administration of the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority. Shackleford offered the following statement today following the committee hearing:

“This bill is the first step in the long process of combatting hunger and food deserts in Indiana. When people go without food – especially healthy food—  it makes every other aspect of their lives more difficult. In Indianapolis alone, nearly one-fifth of residents live in a food desert, meaning they lack easy access to grocery stores. By setting aside funds to increase access to healthy foods, we not only will help Hoosiers struggling with food insecurity, but we will also enhance public health throughout the state. I'm very thankful this important bill was heard today in committee, and I look forward to discussing the matter further in an interim study committee this summer.”

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