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Sad times in Indiana due to RFRA, notes Rep. Gregory W. Porter

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STATEHOUSE – “These are sad times in Indiana. At a time when we should be looking forward, we find our leaders determined to take us back to a time when discrimination was the order of the day.

“Last week, Gov. Mike Pence signed into law Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 101. It has been dubbed a ‘religious freedom’ bill, when in truth it provides license for anyone to discriminate against others by using the excuse of religious belief. It brings back images of people being denied service at local restaurants, simply because of the color of their skin.

“The intent of this bill was to provide some support for extreme elements in our society that cannot tolerate others who are different from them. That this kind of behavior is tolerated by our governor and the Republican leadership in the Indiana House and Senate becomes clear when you realize that the governor signed the bill in a ceremony attended only by those zealots who demanded its passage. The general public and the media were not invited.

“What is terrifying about this legislation is that it will pave the way for individuals to ignore any law they choose, simply because they feel it conflicts with their religious beliefs. Intolerance has gained a legal backing.

“Who is to say that this law won’t make it easier for a person to abuse and neglect a loved one or refuse medical service or deny employment or housing or even service in a restaurant, simply because of religious freedom?

“If such things cause a chill to go down you back, you are not alone.

“Of course, those who pressed for this law say such conduct is the last thing on their minds. Besides, they add, if there are problems, the courts will sort them out.

“These sentiments are hopelessly naïve at best. They highlight the fact that there is no need for this legislation, except in the minds of those who fear they are being discriminated against.

“There is only one proper response to this horrid legislation. Repeal it before some real damage is done.”

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